Benefits of Hiring a Medical Malpractice Lawyer in Upper Marlboro, MD

by | Jul 17, 2017 | Malpractice Lawyers

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According to a research study carried out by John Hopkins University School of Medicine, medical errors now account for the third leading cause of death in the United States. When a person is injured because of the medical care they received, the victim may need to hire a medical malpractice lawyer in Upper Marlboro, MD.

Doctors Hold a Duty of Care

When a person is under the care of a doctor, they expect a certain level of care. It is important to note; a person cannot sue a doctor simply because they are unhappy with the outcome of their treatment. There are a few areas a person must be able to prove in court:

  • The plaintiff must first establish the medical care provider owed them a duty of care. This means a doctor/patient relationship existed.
  • The medical professional must have deviated from the traditional standard of care.
  • This breach of the duty of care must have directly caused the victim to be injured.
  • The breach must have caused measurable damages.

When a person has been injured because of their doctor or another medical care provider, they need to seek the help of the medical malpractice lawyer in Upper Marlboro, MD so they can prove the above. The more proof the injured victim can offer, the better the chances of them being able to receive a fair outcome.

Injured Victims Can Hold Their Doctor Responsible

It is imperative an injured victim holds their doctor responsible when an injury has occurred because their doctor deviated from the standard of care. According to the Md. Code Ann., Cts. & Jud. Proc. § 5-109(a), injured victims have three years from the date of the incident to file a lawsuit.

Injured victims have the right to hire a lawyer to help them with their pursuit. A lawyer knows the law and can help their client to properly gather evidence, so the pursuit is a fruitful one.

If you would like to learn further information on how a lawyer can help you, visit us. Allow the lawyer to meet with you so you can get started on the process of pursuing compensation for your measurable damages.

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