A Motorcycle Accident Attorney in Melrose, MA Negotiates With Insurers for Fair Compensation

by | Jul 3, 2017 | Attorney

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A Motorcycle Accident Attorney in Melrose MA provides professional legal representation for clients who have been hurt in a traffic collision. Motorcycle riders are more likely to be seriously injured in collisions than people in passenger vehicles are but, usually, the collision is caused by the driver of the other vehicle. With Melrose located in the Boston metro area, motorcyclists must sometimes deal with heavy traffic at typical city travel speeds and along highways as well.

Even when motorcyclists do everything right, they still are at higher risk of an accident. Distracted drivers of passenger vehicles may not see the bike approaching and may turn in front of it. Drivers have been known to turn onto a highway with a motorcycle approaching at 65 miles per hour, making it practically impossible for the motorcyclist to avoid either hitting the vehicle or running off the road.

Statistics for the Boston area specifically related to motorcycle accidents are difficult to obtain, but Massachusetts numbers are available. Although the state has a relatively large population and, correspondingly, many motorcyclists, the fatality level for motorcycle accidents is lower than in many other states. That appears to be because of the state’s law requiring all riders to wear helmets.

Nevertheless, each year about 50 individuals are killed in motorcycle accidents in Massachusetts, and many others suffer serious injuries. Experts estimate the number of non-fatal injuries in Massachusetts motorcycle accidents reaches more than 500 every year. Other states with similar populations fare even worse because the riding season in the Northeast is short.

A Motorcycle Accident Attorney in Melrose MA helps clients obtain deserved compensation to pay for medical bills and other responsibilities. In the event of a fatality, the family receives the settlement to pay for those obligations as well as for funeral costs. Often, other compensations are included in accident-related settlements, particularly when someone has not survived.

A firm such as the Law Offices of Burton J. Hass has experience in negotiating with insurers so injured persons and the families of deceased accident victims receive the money they deserve. Visit the website for more information on this particular law firm. You can also follow them on Twitter.

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