Suffolk County NY Workers Comp Provides Benefits to Injured Workers

by | Oct 2, 2014 | Workers' Compensation

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People are injured on the job every day in New York. In many cases, they report the injury to their employer and the employer’s workers compensation policy covers the cost of their medical care and provides reimbursement for income they lose while they are unable to work. Sometimes, though, the system doesn’t flow so easily and Suffolk County NY Workers Comp claims are unfairly denied.

It is important to contact an attorney at the first sign of a problem with your worker’s compensation claim. Your lawyer will not charge a fee for your consultation and you will not have to pay anything unless you receive a cash award in your case. By taking the time early in your case to talk to a lawyer, you may spare yourself and your family a lot of stress.

An attorney can explain your rights regarding Suffolk County NY Workers Comp and help you navigate the system so you can get what you deserve. The system can be complicated and is full of complex laws. As an injured worker, you are at a disadvantage without skilled representation. Your employer is likely to have an attorney advising them and their insurance company probably has multiple layers of bureaucracy. Getting to the right person who can give you the answer you need can be difficult, especially when you are dealing with a work-related injury.

If your claim is denied or your benefits are reduced due to a decision made by your employer or their worker’s comp insurance company, you have the right to appeal that decision. An attorney can help you prepare your case and present it to the state Worker’s Compensation Board. You may have a hearing in front of an administrative law judge. You shouldn’t go to one of these hearings without a lawyer simply because the other parties will be represented by their attorneys.

The administrative law judge will determine whether you are entitled to benefits and will decide how much your lawyer should be paid for their representation in your case. If you don’t win, your attorney cannot charge you for their services.

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