Do You Need A Social Security Disability Lawyer?

by | Jan 12, 2018 | Law

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It is not mandatory that a claimant hire a Social Security lawyer to assist with his or her disability claim. However, the entire process is complicated and frustrating. The majority of perfectly valid claims are denied. This is when claimants begin to realize that they need the professional services of Social Security disability lawyers in Missouri.

Many people will consult with a lawyer when they are preparing the initial application, but the majority hire a lawyer after they have been denied benefits.

When you need a lawyer:

The need for knowledgeable Social Security disability lawyers in Missouri arises when your initial application for benefits is denied.

If you still are of the opinion that you have a valid claim, you have 60 days in which you can hire a lawyer and lodge an appeal. Those that have a lawyer during the appeals process have a far better chance of eventually being approved than those that represent themselves. A lawyer will ensure that you are well prepared for your hearing and will make sure that the SSA has all the medical evidence that is needed well before the hearing date.

You can afford to hire a lawyer:

People that are disabled and unable to work are definitely at a financial disadvantage. This fact does not have a bearing on whether they can afford legal representation or not. Social Security disability lawyers in Missouri work on contingency; they get their fee paid from the initial back pay that you are awarded.

Social Security law sets the fee that Social Security lawyers can charge; it amounts to 25 percent of your back pay up to a maximum of $6,000. If your award is $20,000 in back pay, your lawyer will be paid $5,000. If you are awarded $40,000, your lawyer will be paid the maximum fee, which is $6,000. With your lawyer’s fee being paid from your award, you never feel the cost of having knowledgeable representation.

Social Security disability lawyers in Missouri can help you win your claim for disability benefits. To discuss your claim, contact Grundy Disability Group, LLC.

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