Gain a Larger Settlement with the Help of a Personal Injury Lawyer in Yorkville, IL

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Personal injury claims arise from dog bites, auto accidents, slip and falls, and a variety of accidents. Any time a person suffers an injury to their body caused by someone else, this is considered a personal injury. Personal injury claims are handled more easily when the victim hires a personal injury lawyer in Yorkville, IL. Working with a lawyer helps to protect a person’s rights and their best interest as they pursue a fair outcome in their case.

How Can a Lawyer Help Their Client

One of the biggest reasons people hire a personal injury lawyer in Yorkville, IL is so they can obtain a bigger settlement. When a person hires a lawyer to represent their case, the insurance company is more likely to be fair in assessing the claim.

Insurance adjusters are often unfair when they know there is a reduced chance of them being sent to court. Their goal is to settle for as little as possible so they can protect the financial future of their company. If possible, the insurance adjuster will do everything they can to deny the claim entirely so no money has to be paid out by their employer.

When a lawyer is involved, the insurance adjuster knows they will be held to a higher standard and they are more likely to be fair. The insurance adjuster wants to avoid going to court so the lawyer’s negotiation skills should prove useful in helping the injured client receive a fair outcome.

How to Get Started

To get started on pursuing a personal injury claim, it is crucial that a victim first seek a consultation appointment with the lawyer. These consultation appointments are generally free and allow a victim to learn more about their rights and the laws that govern personal injury.

It is important that injured victims gather as much information as possible so they will be prepared to share the facts with their lawyer. If you are an injured victim and would like to schedule a consultation appointment, contact The Cosentino Law Firm LLC. They will be happy to help you with each step in the process of pursuing compensation.

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