Find Out About Collaborative Divorce From A Divorce lawyer In Mequon, WI

by | Aug 20, 2014 | Lawyers

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Many think that the classic film The War of the Roses is the ultimate divorce movie. Certainly, no couple would want their real-life divorce to be anything like the movie. No divorce lawyer would want to be like the manipulative lawyer played by Danny DeVito, doing all he could to accelerate the chaos.

Unfortunately, many divorces in this country are still adversarial, with each spouse’s lawyer working hard to get as much as possible for their client. Many couples exit the divorce feeling angrier at the ex-spouse than they were before the divorce process began. That’s bad enough when two people who once loved each other are bitterly angry about the division of stuff. When children are involved, this is a terrible outcome for everyone. The marriage may have ended, but parenting is forever. For more details, visit website.

Wisconsin provides a solution to this problem: collaborative divorce. Instead of battles and arguments, collaborative divorce encourages cooperation and teamwork. The couple are empowered to arrive at the best solution for their individual futures and particularly for the children’s futures.

The Collaborative Divorce Process

•   Each spouse has his or her own attorney and agrees in writing not to go to court.

•   This is a team-based process: the two spouses, the two attorneys and any necessary neutral specialists (such as a financial specialist, a child specialist and divorce coaches).

•   Each spouse must fully disclose all information.

•   All parties work together to come to agreement on all aspects of the divorce, including finances and the division of assets, child custody and support and maintenance.

•   Once the plan is complete, it is taken to court for approval by a judge.

•   There is a built-in incentive to complete a mutually beneficial agreement. If the collaborative process is broken down, both lawyers must withdraw, forcing each spouse to begin the divorce process again with a new

•   Divorce lawyer Mequon WI

Collaborative divorce won’t work for everyone, but can certainly benefit many families by allowing and encouraging an amicable split. The process focuses on designing a positive future rather than dwelling endlessly on the past and old arguments. The Fraker Law Firm is experienced with collaborative divorce cases and offers a free 30 minute consultation with a Divorce lawyer Mequon WI. More information is available on their website Domain.


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