In the United States, current and retired military members are offered quite a few discounts, complimentary perks, and special offers that the rest of Americans aren’t extended. The United States government provides some of the most substantial, widely sought-after benefits for military members, both current and past. Here are some of the best benefits that Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, and National Guard members can all enjoy—at least if they ask veterans benefits lawyers in Maine to help secure them.
The Veterans Affairs Pension
The maximum yearly VA pension for veterans without spouses or children is $13,535, and the highest annual VA pension amount going to veterans who are married to one another and are both permanently, totally disabled can collectively get up to $35,800 each year. One of the qualifications that can give former military members eligibility to pull Veterans Affairs pensions is that of being totally, permanently disabled. Attorneys are often needed to argue such health conditions unless a veteran’s status is so weak that their full-on disability is impossible to discount.
Veterans Affairs Home Foreclosures
Most homes across the nation are purchased with mortgages. If debtors fail to make payments on their homes, the banks then sell them. Veterans can search through a lengthy list of current homes that are serviced by VA loans have been foreclosed upon. Veterans can save a lot of money by seeking one of these homes out.
Aid and Attendance
Married veteran couples can pull in up to $25,020 per year via the Aid and Assistance program. This can be used to pay for in-home healthcare, living assistance, nursing homes, and other care options over the long run.
Let Us Help You
Here at Jackson & MacNichol Law Offices, we’ve helped hundreds of veterans get the top-of-the-line benefits they deserve. Let us help secure access to the best bonuses available to you. We’ve got veterans benefits lawyers in Maine who can help with your case.