When you leave a violent relationship, you understandably may fear for your safety and that of your children. You might worry that your ex-partner could find and hurt you.
However, when you hire counsel like a domestic violence attorney in Colorado Springs, CO to assist you, you can use the laws to your favor and protection. You may also exit the relationship and put distance between you and your ex successfully when you have legal help like a domestic violence lawyer in Colorado Springs, CO on retainer.
Filing an Order of Protection
When you retain a domestic violence attorney in Colorado Springs, CO, you may first file an order of protection for you and your children. This order requires your ex-partner to keep away from you and avoid contacting you at work or home. This person may also not be able to email, text or call you when you file this order.
Filing for Divorce
You can also file for divorce when you have this type of attorney on retainer. Your attorney can accompany you to court and make sure your ex does not try to intimidate you. Your lawyer can also make sure you get a divorce decree as quickly as possible you can move on with your life.
You can find out more about retaining a domestic violence lawyer in Colorado Springs, CO online. To set up a consultation with one, contact Marrison Family Law at https://www.marrisonlaw.com.