You Might Need a Lawyer to Apply for a Veteran Disability Claim

by | Sep 5, 2018 | Attorney

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When your veteran disability claim has been turned down by the government agencies, it is time to hire VA disability appeal lawyers. If you have been in the military recently or in the past, then you may have suffered from an injury or illness that leads to a permanent disability, but proving your claim isn’t always easy. In some cases, it can take 40 years or longer for you to have an illness from an event that occurred while you were serving within the United States or overseas. You may also have been exposed to chemicals that were considered safe at the time, but today, researchers have discovered that nerve gases and other substances have long-term effects that can lead to a permanent disability.

Applying for Veteran Benefits Is a Complicated Process

VA disability appeal lawyers understand the complicated process of applying for benefits from the government. Attorneys may need to collect evidence of your exposure to dangerous chemicals, or they might need to prove that your minor injury while serving has now become a major medical problem. It is important to you to keep your medical documents along with all of your military service papers so that you can provide the information required for applying for a monthly disability claim.

Contact a Knowledgeable Team of Disability Attorneys Today

There are a wide range of reasons why you might need veteran disability benefits, including contamination from parasites or developing post-traumatic stress disorder. A great team of attorneys will gather evidence from your physicians and psychiatrists to help you apply for your veteran disability payments. You can contact the VA disability appeal lawyers at Jackson & MacNichol Law Offices in South Portland, Maine at 207-772-9000 or at

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