In order to ensure that a divorce goes as amicably as possible, the best solution would be for both parties to hire the services of a qualified Divorce attorney Mequon WI. A divorce lawyer is a legal professional who has proficient knowledge of all the legal ramifications surrounding a divorce case. They can ensure that your divorce process is not only amicable but also cost effective. Here are some of the essential details you should know about pursuing a divorce on the no-fault grounds of irreconcilable differences.
When to File for a No-Fault Divorce
Sometimes, a couple may opt to purse divorce on the no-faults grounds of irreconcilable differences. This actually happens when the couple does not have to particularly provide a reason for their divorce. When one of the married couple is seeking to file for divorce on these grounds, the couple has to have lived apart (in separate homes) for a minimum of two years. In some cases, its okay for the couple to still live in the same house on the conditions that the couple is not engaging in sexual relations, they have different bedrooms, and there is no kind of expressive communication between them. In a situation where the couple agrees on the grounds of irreconcilable differences, then the process of the divorce can last for as little as six months.
Types of No-Fault Divorce
There are two major types of a no-fault divorce, which include the contested and uncontested divorce. In a contested divorce, one of the parties does not agree with the settlement terms. These settlement terms may entail the division of marital property, child custody, visitation, spousal support among others. In the case of a contested divorce, the court may be involved and the settlement terms will be negotiated.
In an uncontested divorce, both parties have come to an agreement on everything. It is therefore not necessary for the courts to have full involvement in the case. An uncontested divorce is generally over in a number of months as opposed to years. Click here for more details.
Regardless of the type of divorce, it is imperative you hire a professional Divorce attorney Mequon WI. A lawyer who is highly experienced in family law knows all the parameters and every aspect of a divorce case. They can help to ensure that you have a piece of mind throughout the entire divorce process. For more information about no-fault divorce and professional divorce lawyers, visit Domain.