If you have been injured on the job and your claim was approved by your employer's worker's compensation insurance, then you will generally receive temporary total disability payments. Temporary total disability payments are paid when you have been injured on the job...
Attorney’s Available to Help You Get Worker’s Compensation In Pennsylvania
The original purpose of worker's compensation was to provide financial support for people that were injured while working, or those that suffered from an illness that was related to work. Any of these issues that became serious enough to prevent them from returning to...
Even if You are Fired for Cause, You Still Have a Right to Workers’ Compensation if You are Injured
You may be aware that when you are injured at work you are entitled to receive benefits under the Illinois Workers' Compensation Act. However, if you are injured at work and then lose your job for some other reason, you may be unsure of your rights when it comes to...
Reasons to Hire a Repossession Lawyer
One of the most difficult processes that a person can go through is the filing of person bankruptcy due to the inability to pay their bills. This process usually takes some time to go through with and in order to get the right results you will need professional...
Why Immigrants Facing Removal Should Not Wait To Hire A Deportation Lawyer
For many immigrants to the U.S., facing the prospect of deportation can be a real challenge. If you've built a family and a life in this country, one wrong move could disrupt that life and cause everything you've worked so hard for to come crumbling down. For this...